And this time it IS Goera calcarata: Sunday morning in Sugar Hollow

Well, I had it wrong on 10/26 with the Weighted-case makers (Goeridae) I found in Entry Run/South River -- but not today.  I returned to my favorite stream in Sugar Hollow looking for Free-living caddisfly larvae but ended up with two Goerids.   They turned out to be the "common" Goerid species, Goera calcarata (vs. the "rare" G. fuscula from Entry Run).

Let's look at Beaty's description ("The Trichoptera of North Carolina," p. 86).  G. calcarata -- larvae 8-9 mm; 3 pairs of sclerites on metanotum; pronotum with central raised area and anterior margin with conspicuous spicules; sternal thoracic plates indistinct.  Common in the Mountains and Sandhills.  (Tolerance Value is 1.0.)

1. Of the larvae I kept, one was 8 mm the other was 9.

2. Yes, there are 3 pairs of sclerites on the metanontum.

3. The "central raised area" of the pronotum is difficult to see in a photo -- but I think you can pick it out.

4. And sternal thoracic plates are indistinct/missing.  (The "prosternal horn" is very clear!)

Contrast this photo of G. calcarata with that of G. fuscula on which the sternal plates are distinct.

Goera calcarata, the "little grey sedge" to fly fishermen.  Below -- additional photos.

Good view of the mesepisterna -- anterolateral extensions of the mesonotum.

And, two at a time.

Remember that Goerids have only two ballast stones on each side of their cases vs. the 3-4 stones that we find on Uenoids.

I only took one other photo today.  I found a beautiful Perlid (common stonefly) Acroneuria abnormis.  Just couldn't resist a shot of this one.


Below: my view to the left as I went down the road to Sugar Hollow.  A wonderful time of year in Virginia.